Bespoke-Advice Limited

Nicola Bywater

Working as a close team Nicola and Richard Bywater have been advising clients for a combined period of 40 years and pride themselves on the long standing relationships they have with their clients, a number of whom have been with them throughout .

They specialise in advising older clients with regard to care fees planning, investment advice and Inheritance Tax advice although a lot of their clients ask them to advise their families on various financial issues.

Nicola and Richard have experienced the problems that people encounter later in life not only with their clients but also within their family and therefore understand how emotional it can be when a loved one needs care. They are proud of their reputation as professional, caring advisers.

Married for 12 years they have two boys, Daniel (10) and Sam (6).  Both boys love sports including football, swimming, karate, cross country, golf and cycling.  Nicola and Richard also enjoy cycling and spending time as a family.  Recently Richard cycled to Paris to raise money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Nicola and the boys were very much involved meeting him on the finish line.

You are welcome to contact Nicola and Richard at any time for an initial discussion or meeting for which there will be no charge, pressure or obligation. They will listen to your own personal circumstances and advise you accordingly.

  • Company: Bespoke-Advice Limited
  • Member Since: October 2005
  • 24 Dower Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 6UA
  • Region: The Midlands
  • CV
  • Master PractitionerAsk me about my additional qualifications
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Contact Nicola Bywater